Yasushi Nirasawa, known as the “heteromorphic genius,†was a popular Japanese multi-disciplinary artist, who passed away prematurely at the age of 52. This limited collection showcases Nirasawa’s illustrations of the "Onitsuka Tiger Man“, which he created for the brand.
leather (non-pig)/synthetic fiber
Material Composition
leather (non-pig) 64%, synthetic fiber 36%
Yasushi Nirasawa, known as the “heteromorphic genius,†was a popular Japanese multi-disciplinary artist, who passed away prematurely at the age of 52. This limited collection showcases Nirasawa’s illustrations of the "Onitsuka Tiger Man“, which he created for the brand.
Yasushi Nirasawa, known as the “heteromorphic genius,†was a popular Japanese multi-disciplinary artist, who passed away prematurely at the age of 52. This limited collection showcases Nirasawa’s illustrations of the "Onitsuka Tiger Man“, which he created for the brand.